Dr. Tetsu Nakamura devoted much of his life to Afghanistan, treating patients, educating people, and watering their deserts 1946-2019
Dr Tetsu Nakamura, a Japanese physician was shot and killed two years ago with a driver and four bodyguards, while heading to work in Jalalabad, Afghanistan in an aid vehicle. Kaka Murad did so much for his adopted country during his time there. he devoted much of his life to alleviating the suffering of the people of Afghanistan as well as Pakistan.
In addition to opening several clinics, he helped build mosques and launched projects to construct irrigation canals. In a country devastated by drought, it saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
He set out to build that irrigation canal with water from the Kunar River. This wasn’t just some grand scheme that he would be able to pass on to experts. There were no civil engineers in the region capable of carrying out the task. “By 2016, eight additional canals had been built or restored in the area, irrigating 16,000 hectares. It helped provide food and water for more than 600,000 residents. The man chiefly responsible for it all was granted honorary citizenship by the government of Afghanistan in October 2019” Matthew Hernon
Obituary: “I am not a pacifist. I am against the war”. Gino Strada
Italian Surgeon, the founder of Emergency which Operates Clinics, Hospitals, and Trauma Centers throughout the world. The work of Emergency in Afghanistan: Surgical and medical center, Anabah Maternity Center, Anabah Surgical centers for War Victims, Kabul and Lashkar-gah.
From 2005 to now 44 First Aid Posts and Primary Health Care Center across 31 districts in Afghanistan
Dr Gino Strada in the operating theatre at the Surgical Centre for War Victims in Kabul
“EMERGENCY has spent about 145 million euros in its 22 years in Afghanistan. We have used it to treat more than 7.5 million people, train new doctors and other medical workers, and give jobs to around 2,500 Afghans. All at roughly the cost of keeping a small contingent of soldiers in the country for a year.”
Afghanistan will never forget your Noble work and your dedication to helping humanity. Even the day before you died, Afghanistan was in your mind. You are Loved and Missed.
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde Afghanistans, liebe Mitmenschen,
aufgrund der verheerenden Machtübernahme der Taliban braucht Afghanistan mehr denn je Ihre Hilfe in Form von Spenden für die im Land Verbliebenen, die gegen Hunger, Kälte, Nahrungsmittelknappheit und immense Preissteigerungen, gerade auch für Heizmaterial, und steigende Armut ankämpfen. Viele Gehälter werden aufgrund des Machtwechsels nicht mehr ausbezahlt, sodass viele Familie in eine unverschuldete Notlage gekommen sind.