Mobile Clinic for IDPs in Mazar
Project Progress Summary
Our local representative in Afghanistan has been submitted a health care project application on Mobile Clinic for IDPs in Mazar-e-Sharif to Ärzteverein für Afghanische Flüchtlinge e.V(AFAF) after reviews of the board, AFAF has committed to funding the health care proposal for IDPs in Mazar-e-Sharif, started from first April 2021.
Dr. med. Hamidullah Jubran has assigned a project team (GP doctor, Midwife, and Nurse) to organize and conduct the health care services in Mazar IDPs. In order to coordinate the activities of the project, Dr. Jubran met with Dr. Khaliullah Ekmati, General Director of public health in Balkh province to officially permission to launch the health care services in the Internal displaces people of Mazar-e-Sharif city – Dr. Khaliullah Ekmati welcomed the team and appreciated the project for IPD.
AFAF local representative in Afghanistan estimated (Nov.2020) that around 25.000 to 30.000 IDPs are seeking shelter in 14 camps in and around the city of Mazar-e-Sharif at this moment, these internal displace people from north provinces (Faryab, Jawzjan, and Saripol) and district of Balkh provinces. IDPs resulted from internal war, criminal events, and poverty, These IDPs have no basic needs, No drinking water, No Clinic, no school. Children, women elder people, and pregnant women are included in the IDPs. AFAF realizing the sensitivity of the situation, made an immediate decision (at that time) to distribute warm clothes (for children), Oil for cocking, and firewood to seven hundred families. The main finding of our team is the bad situation of health. As you know the major causes of morbidity and mortality among IDP are diarrheal diseases, acute respiratory infections, malaria, and malnutrition. There is a direct causal relationship between malnutrition and mortality in refugee sites.
Health care services achievements:
Our team including the project manager, medical doctor, midwife have conducted services below:
- Visiting patient and treatment
- Consulting and referring to near hospital
- COVID-19 awareness (The camp is very crowded, we worry about the Coronavirus, “they don’t know what is coronavirus? they do not receive any information, and no one came to explain it to them.)
- Consult about the family planning
There are more than 500-700 families living in each camp.
We provide the services 2- 3 times per week, our team visited 65-75 patients per day, in addition, we have an awareness campaign according to Corona Virus for 300 peoples per week, every week we have family planning for the women of IDPs.
jetzt kommentieren? 15. June 2021